Prabakar Ganesan is one of the youngest Member of Parliament (MP) in Sri Lanka and a staunch Person of Indian Origin (PIO) whose family hails from Tamil Nadu in India. Hailing from a family where the father was a fierce trade unionist and older brother an MP before him, this 47 year old politician from Colombo, achieved the feat of winning the 2010 general election from the district of the capital city of Colombo. A two-term Member of the Legislative Council from Colombo, Praba has made his mark with the local population that includes not just the more than 350,000 PIOs in Colombo city but also tens of thousands of Singhalese and Muslims who voted for him. Praba is close to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and supports the ruling party. Though, Praba is clear that his intention in doing so is to protect and further the interests of nearly 1.5 million PIOs largely settled in up country Sri Lanka, and another 1.6 million ethnic Tamilians living in the northeastern Jaffna peninsula. In an exclusive interview with PIO TV in Colombo at his Democratic People`s Congress party office, Praba talked about the changes in this island nation since the finish of the recent war.